Sunday, June 22, 2008

this poster was on one of the walkways in lausanne. this is a very attention grabbing poster that uses a variety of angles as well as a high contrast color scheme that catches the eye as you pass by. this poster is an advertisement for an exhibit at the museum for the history of science. i can't tell what the exhibit is on exactly, but judging from the picture im going to go with the history of the bomb and explosives. the clock on the bomb is also resemblant of the doomsday clock in which the clock face resembles minutes to midnight, with midnight representing our own destruction. the composition of the poster uses many various angles of type which ignore any sort of grid system. this and the bright colors clearly show influence from the postmodern. as you get closer to the poster you are able to read more information, you are also able to tell at close range that the bomb is constructed out of paper and pipe cleaners which gives it an interesting effect, making it feel more playful than one would expect a bomb to be.

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