Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I found this poster on a poster standee in Bern,  just on the street. It was hung at about eye level. Clearly, it is an object poster. It is simple, you can tell exactly what it's advertizing, and it has a clear-cut type. What attracted me to this poster was the contrast of the red on white and all the different things coming out of the knife.  The imagery was just a simple photo, and then a computer was used to place on the text and logo. The 55-5-5 rule applied because from 55 feet away you could see it, and was able to recognize what it was, from five feet away you could read it, and from five inches away you could see little details in the shadows, and were able to read the smaller text at the bottom.  I think that this poster was successful because it got the message across and was very striaghtforward, which is what you what when you're advertizing something. 

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