Monday, June 23, 2008

Fete De La Musique

I found this poster across form a Coop in one of those poster standees in Vevey. The Poster was grouped with other posters along the sides of the sidewalk, this one caught my eye first because of its vibrant colors and the contrast between the white bunny and the hot pink background. Because of the illustrations and the chaotic nature of the design I would characterize the poster as Postmodern. It is easily and catches the eye form far away. The sans serif type contrasts with the hand drawn illustrations and makes for a more modern poster. From fifty five feet away the white bunny catches your attention, from five feet you notice the type and what exactly the poster is advertising, and by five inches you notice the advertisers on the bottom and the finer details of the drawings. I noticed this poster first because the color and design was different from all the other posters around it. I thought it was very successful because of its style. It is advertising a music festival of more modern bands and is trying to appeal to a younger crowd. The poster is a little more punk-rock than the other posters around it, which works well with the audience it is trying to advertise for..

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