Sunday, June 15, 2008

Festival d'art de rue.

This poster was placed in the street that was blocked off for the festival in Sion. It was tacked to a wooden easel and not very well because the bottom was ripped. Directly behind it were the booths and pavilions of the festival.
The poster has some characteristics similar to Early Swiss Posters such as the simplicity and rich color. It is also a little Postmodern in that it is playful, spontaneous and a little chaotic.
The concept is straight forward; there are illustrations of people in festive activities. The poster is trying to get people to go to the festival. It is comprised of a collage of illustrations that look a little juvenile and brightly colored. I think it fulfills the 55-5-5 rule because I noticed it from the other side of the street. When I approached it I could get the festival information and then I had to look closer to see the sponsors at the bottom. The interesting shapes of bright figures is what initially attracted me to the poster. It represented the festival very well to me, since I had already walked through it before I saw the poster.

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