Thursday, June 19, 2008


One more poster on the streets of Lausanne placed on a poster standee at eye level. International style seems to be a big influence in this poster since they are using photography verses illustration and all the text is left aligned, yet not in a grid. I do like the typography though because I think its placed in an interesting way on the poster and uses the large black space wisely. This poster is advertising what seems like a play about controversy. They use the contrast of black and white splitting the poster to portray that controversy and they use two figures fading one into the black and the other into the white to connect them with the controversy. Then they are given life by giving the only color to the poster with their faces. The stark contrast is an eye catcher from far away and information can be read as a viewer approaches the poster but I think that this effect could be pushed further to catch attention easier from a distance. I am attracted to this poster by its interesting use of typography but more so by the interesting photography and how it is cleverly interlaced into the message of the poster. I think it is successful in creating an interest in the play giving a preview of the drama that can be expected by attending the event. 

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