Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This poster I saw outside of the cathedral in lausanne, right next to the suisse rebel museum.  It was eye level and on a stand with many other posters.  It has characteristics of early swiss posters from the color and the abstract objects.  It is also an object poster with advertising for an art collection in lausanne. The poster is  what I presume an actual piece from the exhibition.  

The 55-5-5 rule really did apply to this poster and worked because from a distance of fifty five feet you could see the abstract bird because it is black, it is an abstract shape that takes up most of the frame, also the red and white text are very noticeable and eye catching.  From five feet away you get closer and you can read the text and you intrigued further to read what the poster is for.  From five inches it's not as intriguing because there is not a lot of detail but the fine print telling about the museum is effective.  

I think what attracted me to this poster was the colors and the abstract shape.  The colors to me are soothing, the combination of darker tan and black.   The contrast of the white and red text with the neutral image are very appealing to me.  Also the fact that the text is centered and block letters and so contrasting with the black framing around the image.  I just loved the simplification of this poster. It flows, catches your eye and keeps you drawn in, while conveying the advertisement for the museum. 

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