Friday, June 20, 2008

Children's exhibit

I saw this poster when we were walking through Sion on a poster standee at eye level. The poster is postmodern because it is very colorful, spontaneous and random.  It really catches your eye with all of the different shapes and objects. I think that this poster is advertising an exhibition for a children museum of some sort. It really does the job because it will catch the eye of children who are walking by because it is so eccentric and bold, and it will catch the parent’s eye also.  Even if it doesn’t I think that the children would be so excited by all of the different objects on the poster that they wouldn’t let their parents ignore it.  So it definitely gets people excited to go and see this exhibit.  This poster was created from a photo with the writing put over top of it digitally. From 55 feet it really catches your eye with all of the colors and diversity that stands out against the white background. From 5 feet you can see that it is advertising this exhibit and from 5 inches you can see the dates of the exhibit and other information that is in fine print of the poster.  I was attracted to this poster because of the bright colors that contrast against the white background. Also because of the fun and creative ways that they created each letter and that there really aren’t any duplicates. I think that this poster would be very successful because it stands out so much to adults and children and just get you curious to know what the exhibit is all about.

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