Sunday, June 15, 2008

Swiss Architecture Museum

This poster was on the street in Basel at eye level. I actually took this picture while riding on the bus. it was on the side of a building about twenty feet apart from other posters that ran along the same wall. Because of it's "no rule" style, it's complexity and it's abstract image, it falls into the Post modern category. The type follows a grid system even though it looks random and has a san-serif typeface which means the typography comes from the international style. It's kind of a mix between the two styles. The concept is for a swiss architecture museum so i think the image is some sort of painting of an abstracted building. the three white shapes remind me of stairs but it's still too abstract to be sure. From 55 feet it makes me wonder what it's all about. as you get closer the type becomes more legible. if you get too close then he image makes no sense but you can start to read the smaller type. I thing the overlay has a cool style but could be too hard to read which would draw people away from it. but from far off it does make you want to get closer. even after you walk away the audience is still on wonder which may or may not be good. Since it has a website listed it might make peope want to check it out later on.

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