Monday, June 23, 2008

Cheese Please.

While running to catch the next train of the day I saw this poster. This is a photomontage of two pictures from two different time periods put together as one themed picture. This poster uses both black and white imagery to help the viewer recognize the differences and similaries of the two.

The 55-5-5 is used in this poster as it can be seen from a far distance and be interesting to a viewer. Once you walk up closer you are still intrigued with the image and if you get even closer you can see even more detail. I really enjoyed looking at this poster. There are many things that grab your attention, from the black and white photos to the cheese in the corner.
I thought the cheese company that advertised this poster was very smart in how they used all the traditional Swiss themes. Everyone that walks past this poster feels the rich Swiss culture with the cows, the cheese and the alps all in the picture.
I think this poster was great and really caught the viewers attention and lets them know of the great tradition of cheese in Switzerland.

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