Sunday, June 15, 2008

Musees de Lausanne

This poster was on a Light pole next to a rural street on the way to the Roman Ruin museum in Lausanne. The poster is inside a metal case attatched to the pole above eye level causing the viewer to look to see it. Yet again this poster uses sans serif fonts arranged flush left ragged right and using a form of a grid system implying its international style influence. The image however, is more of a post-modern style using cartoons. The concept behind this poster is to show cartoon dogs entering and searching though multiple entrys of a cube titled musee. This is to emphasize the museums interesting displays. Other than the arrows and use of text in a labeling system, there really isnt much type image relationship except by color scheme. The imagery was produced using an illustrator type program. The 55/5/5 rule applies to this poster as well. The top third of the poster is bright orange immediately catching the eye of the viewer and drawer them in. From 5 feet away the imagery catches the eye and the viewer notices the small type surrounding it. From 5 inches the small type can be read and the illustrations can be fully appreciated. I was attracted to this poster because of its color scheme and interesting imagery. Overall I feel this poster was very effective in informing and advertising this museum.

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